Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Trip to Amarillo

This past Sunday through Wednesday, my mom and I took a quick trip to Amarillo. We really enjoyed seeing our family. It is always nice to be able to show your children where you grew up and Amarillo is my hometown.

We made a point to visit the Amarillo zoo while we were there. What? You didn't think Amarillo had a zoo? It actually has a pretty descent zoo.

Frogs are one of my favorites. I especially love the big, fat ones.

Chloe was quite entranced by the snakes. She's been watching the Jungle Book and thinks Kaa is funny.

Chloe really wanted to play with this turtle. I'm pretty sure the turtle wanted to play, too. He was following her around and stretching his neck to see her.

When Chloe saw the monkeys, she ran up to the fence and yelled, "oh man! Look at the monkeys!" We got a good chuckle out of it.

Please notice that there is nothing but a chain link fence between my daughter and three lions. I love how it's relatively easy for her to climb the 'keep back' fence and stick her arm through the chain link. Mark my words, there will be a day when Amarillo will be in the national news because some lions escaped the zoo.

Chloe did not care about the wallaby.

Aren't tigers just gorgeous creatures? This one was busy taking a bath (notice the chain link, again?) The other tiger was pacing the fence line and planning his attack on the neighboring bobcat exhibit.

The zoo is up to three bears now. I'm pretty sure they are all harmless black bears.

I told Chloe that this fox was Swiper from Dora the Explorer. She proceeded to grab Shorty's hand and run while saying, "Come on. Swiper get you."

Shorty and Chloe trying to escape Swiper.

Chloe was really taken with this goat. I think we know what she wants for her second birthday!!

 (Almost) Everybody came over to Great Grandma's house to take a picture. It was wonderful chaos. We were so glad that all the cousins were able to spend some time together.

Great grandma is reading to Ansley.

Photobombed by two handsome boys.

Landry saying cheese.

Chloe's favorite book.

Shorty, Ansley, Kaleb and Landry.

left to right: Kaleb, Ansley, Landry, Keeven and Chloe.
 The picture above is as close as you get to a perfect representation of the hour we spent together. My child is crying, nobody is looking at the camera and Ansley is making a break for it. (I don't blame her a bit!) haha.

This picture is the moms and great grandkids. I think it actually turned out pretty good considering the kids really weren't interested in sitting still for a picture. Who can blame them? I'm really glad we were able to get this picture! I just wish the husbands could have been there, too.


  1. You always do cool stuff! The zoo is the best. I have no idea where Amarillo is... but it looks fun! Nice pictures! LOok how big Chloe is getting!

  2. I love the pictures you sent today. Too cute for words. The Zoo was great watching Chloe look at them . I could almost hear her talking to them. What a nice time to visit this one. Thank you for the special pictures taken of my Greatgrandchildren and my Grandchildren. They are very special. Kim,Glad you and Diane could come for a short visit. [This is the second note I wrote so you may get 2 today]

  3. Good pics! Glad you and Chloe made the long trec with me.


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