It's July 11, 2013 and you are one month old today! It has been a very busy month. We've had lots of company, your first holiday (Fourth of July) and your first outing (a quick trip to Target).
We've also learned a lot about you. I was correct in my assessment of your personality even prior to your birth. You are so very laid back! You are going to be more like your Dad. (Mom and Chloe are more tightly wound). You rarely cry and you sleep a lot. The most difficulty you've given me so far is your disdain for burping. You hate and seem to fight against it so much that it's taken (a few times) three hours to get you back to sleep after a night feeding.
4 weeks 1 day old - 1 month |
Weight - 11# 1oz. (93%)
Height - 22.5" (96%)
Head Cir. - 38.5 (96%)
You are a healthy girl. You've gained over 3 pounds and grown 2.5 inches in 4 weeks...that has to be painful. I can't believe the change in 3 weeks time.
one week old. |
You sleep around 4 hour stretches at night. I'm getting up with you 2-3 times a night. I
am looking forward to longer stretches. I think you may have made cooing noises a few times. Until they get more deliberate, it's hard to tell. I can't wait for you to smile. You have the most adorable Dad. When you smile they are much more noticeable.
You slept through your first bath. I'm not kidding. You didn't open your eyes or cry at all. I couldn't believe it! You seem to really enjoy bath time. You also enjoy tummy time. So much in fact, you fall asleep during it. I'm not sure how you will ever strengthen your neck by sleeping through your exercise! You do have a pretty strong neck already though and can hold your head up for a while before face planting into my chest.
We went to the doctor today for your 1 month check up. You received your second Hep B vaccine and you took it like a champ! You only cried for a split second. You are so chill! Your big sister is awfully worried about your boo-boo. Chloe received a doctor prescribed sticker for your pain and suffering.
We love you, Mackenzie!
The Oklahoma crew with Aunt Ellen (from D.C.) and Uncle Ben (from Alaska). |
Aunt E spoiling Chloe. |
Granny didn't want to put Mackenzie down. |
Chloe looks nervous about Uncle Ben holding baby Kenzie. Don't worry Chloe. If he can handle jumping out of a plane, he's capable of holding a newborn. |
Chloe has been such a big help. We haven't really seen much regression from her. She did color on the carpet the other day and she has been talking back and giving attitude. But, I'm 95% sure these are unrelated to the new baby. I think it's just her normal 3 year old independence asserting itself. The coloring on the carpet can be attributed to the fact that I can't watch her 100% of the time now and stop it before it happens. The one thing that seems to really upset C is when Mackenzie takes a bath. As far as Chloe is concerned, it's her bathtub. I'm hoping to start bathing them together, soon.
If Mackenzie cries, Chloe tells me to 'pick her up' or 'feed her.' If Mark is holding Mackenzie and she cries, Chloe is very concerned that Dad is the reason and tells him to 'stop' or 'leave my sister alone.' C loves showing Mackenzie her toys and talking to her.
Having two kids is certainly an adjustment. I think overall we are adjusting well. It helps that Mackenzie is such an easy baby and Chloe's maturity lets her be a tremendous help. I do have a little mommy guilt now that all my time isn't devoted to C. But, I think it makes our 1 on 1 moments so much sweeter.
I love this face! |
I love this face, too! |
Similar facial expressions. Sisters for sure! |